Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What I Learned About Blogs and the Classroom

I chose to read Keller Leathers' blog. Keller sits next to me in class and did an excellent job with her blog. She covered all her topics with enthusiasm and detail, and made excellent points. Her blog is informative and educational. She has created a great blog and has obviously learned much during her time in our micro computing class.
Blogging is an excellent tool that one can use to get things out on the web so that anyone can see. Most people think of blogging as something used by people to tell the whole world their about their lives and their beliefs. They are not likely to think of them as being useful to the classroom, I know I never would have before this class. But blogs can be used in the classroom, quite possibly they could be used successfully.
Blogs can be used as a type of online journal for students. A teacher can assign a journal project to his or her student so that they can work on their English skills and creativeness. Also a child will be more conscientious about what his or her work reads like if they know anyone and everyone in the world can read it. Blogs can also be useful in monitoring how the students in a class are treating one another. The tone of the writings can give insight to an existing problem between some of the students so that the teacher can fix them.
Blogs tell about a person while at the same time allowing that person to share information with others. They can be very useful in education if used. The teachers and the students could have a real enjoyable time using it to learn. I am glad that we learned about it in class, and I hope to use it with my future classes.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Duke University Podcast on 9/11

We all remember 9/11. It is a day that will forever be etched in our minds as Americans. The pod cast that we listened to this week was a documentary by Duke University on the emotions surrounding that day as felt by Americans from all over. The people talking in this pod cast expressed to the listener how they felt upon hearing and watching the attacks. They also told how it still impacts them to this day. For many of us it made us feel vulnerable when before America was untouchable.
I know for me it was a trying time. I felt as many of these people did and still do. I was scared of what could possibly happen at any time and place to this country. It also brought to life for me the world view of America and its citizens. This event is one that will always be etched into my mind and the minds of many others. This pod cast was a very educational one because it gave insight into many viewpoints expressed by others other than myself. It was very enlightening.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

EDM 310 pod casts

This weeks blog assignment was to listen to the four posted pod casts. We were to critique our own pod cast along with the others. First let me say we all did a great job. For our first time doing a pod cast we all presented well informed information.
The first pod cast i will discuss is my own. I worked with Bridget Thompson-Hall and Angela Minish. We presented our information on ACCESS in a well ordered though slightly over worded format. We effectively answered the questions that we were asked to answer. We did not sound perfect but for our first pod cast I believe we did pretty good.
The next pod cast I listened to was Kimberly Pierce, Ashley Corley and Brooke Busby. This pod cast was on blogging in education. This group explained what a blog was and how it was first used. They explained that blogging was free and very useful. The only suggestion that I would make would be that they not sound so rehearsed. Overall, I think they did a great job.
Racheal Beaty, Keller Leathers, and Joye Wiggins did their pod cast on their blogging experiences. They explained what blogging ment to them and how blogs could be used in education. Overall they did a great job. They had a few stutters in their pod cast but they did real well in not letting them slow down or inhibit their presentation.
The last pod cast I listened to was done by Danielle Tasker, Stephanie Ellis, and Jalisa Mobley. They discussed how facebook could be useful in education. They were well prepaired to talk about their topic. They explained how facebook worked and how it got started. They also explained how it was mainly a social network. The only thing that I noticed was that they did not sound very enthused about their topic. They could have shown just a little bit more enthusiasm about their topic. Overall they did a great job also.

Mathematics in Education

This past week our pod cast assignment was to listen to Judy Chandler's take on mathematics and education. This pod cast relates to me because my major is secondary math education. She states that teachers do not embrace technology and use it effectively in the classroom. She says that technology is necessary to enhancing mathematics and teaching it effectively. She believes that students need more than just a textbook to learn math.
This was an interesting pod cast to listen to seeing as it relates to my major. I totally agree with what she says throughout the podcast. But math is not the only subject in which technology could enhance the class and increase learning in. Technology could be useful in all subjects if allowed. Teachers need to embrace technology and use it for the good of their students.