Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Alabama Educational Programs

Since the enactment of No Child Left Behind by President George W. Bush, the individual states in America have been enacting several different educational programs for their students and teachers. Alabama has implemented two such programs. They are the Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX) and the Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide (ACCESS).
ALEX is a multimedia program where teachers can research every aspect of teaching their field. They can submit lesson plans for others to review, and review other lesson plans provided for ideas as to how to better the plan they already have. The site also contains access to other educational websites for its students, teachers, and administrators.
ACCESS is a multimedia program that allows teachers to teach students not located in their classroom. With ACCESS a wide variety of classes can be taught through the internet and through a television that allows the teacher to communicate with the student much as a news anchor communicates with a reporter who is live on location. This allows students to take advance courses that their high school might not have an on campus teacher for. Though this program is not provided in all schools, one does pray that it one day will be.
Both of these programs are excellent steps in insuring that students are providing that a student receives a quality education regardless of where they live. This is very important because many of Alabama's brightest students are going unnoticed because of the school district they live in.

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