Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Duke University Podcast on 9/11

We all remember 9/11. It is a day that will forever be etched in our minds as Americans. The pod cast that we listened to this week was a documentary by Duke University on the emotions surrounding that day as felt by Americans from all over. The people talking in this pod cast expressed to the listener how they felt upon hearing and watching the attacks. They also told how it still impacts them to this day. For many of us it made us feel vulnerable when before America was untouchable.
I know for me it was a trying time. I felt as many of these people did and still do. I was scared of what could possibly happen at any time and place to this country. It also brought to life for me the world view of America and its citizens. This event is one that will always be etched into my mind and the minds of many others. This pod cast was a very educational one because it gave insight into many viewpoints expressed by others other than myself. It was very enlightening.