Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Can Teachers Afford to be Technologically illiterate

Is it alright for the teachers of the twenty-first century to be technologically illiterate? Karl Fisch is a teacher and technology expert. His blog talks about whether or not it is alright to be technologically illiterate and be a teacher. He expresses his views on technology in the classroom, and how any teacher who is not technologically literate should look for other employment.
One tends to agree with Mr. Fisch. Technology is growing exponentially and students are going to need to be able to use it upon entering the work force. Computers and computing software are now found in most businesses across the country and those that do not have will more than likely have it soon. Students who do not know about computers and computing technologies that the average workforce uses regularly will find themselves left behind others in line for job oportunitites. A teacher must be able to use that technology in order to ensure that no student is left behind in the work-force.

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