Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Fixed" mindsets vs. "Growth" mindsets

"Growth" mindsets vs. "Fixed" mindsets, is a podcast provided by the Stanford News Series. This podcast is a video cast that talks about whether or not growth mindsets are better than fixed mindsets. The lady talking to the viewers tells of a research project in which researchers groomed the growth mindset into half the subjects and a fixed mindset into the other half. She tells how the students with the growth mindset performed better and learned more compared to their fixed counterparts. The ones with the growth mindset wanted to learn and expand their intelligence while the ones with the fixed mindset had no motivation to learn.
One agrees with the result of this research. Students who want to learn will do better than students who feel that they have a fixed intelligence and cannot learn more. One believes that teachers should strive to instill a growth mindset into their students. Teachers should want to teach all that they can to their students and have them motivated to learn more. Instilling a growth mindset is definitely the way to go.


Angela Minish said...

Good job susan, nice read.

Jennifer Averitt said...

Good job. Keep up the good work.